And you tell yourself I am only dreaming and you expect to wake up and find the world in its usual shape, things finally falling into recognizable places, blurred images sharpened, twisted corners straightened out.
But you don't.

But that's of course exactly what makes travelling so rewarding. Living live dreams. As bizarre as this dream may be, it's still an extremely interesting one. I'll start my interviews tomorrow and I'm very excited! And then again, my friend Gro is here with me the first week (she had a job interview for a Jerusalem-based UN-organization some days ago so she came with me, and that's great!), and we live in the most fantastic guest house ever. The window on the picture is from our bedroom. Underneath: Notes stuffed in the Wailing Wall.

heia Silje! du må ha lykke til med intervjuan! magiske tanka fra nord :-) glede mæ til å se dæ i juli! klemma
Kjære Silje!
Ta riktig godt vare på deg sjøl, og lykke til med intervjuan! Håpe vi sees seinere i sommar:) Hils masse t ho Gro
Klem fra ho Lina
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