Photos still waiting to be posted.
We rented a car and drove far away to find the Perfect Beach, but of course it did not exist after all. But then we found another one which was pretty ok (see picture).
I've managed to get a really nice tan, and Anders is jealous because he can't match it.
Our swimming pool has a perfect temperature to cool us down when the heat is too hot.
And I have seen the scandinavian medical center from the inside, after waking up one day just to find out I couldn't move my head. They took an x-ray and gave me an injection, which almost made me faint (don't know why, I'm not afraid of injections?). Anders bought me coke, and now I'm pretty much ok.
For some reason I have the habit of seeing doctors for unexpected reasons whenever I travel, so I guess it's how it should be.
Time for dinner out at our veranda.
The sunset is beautiful.
Sangria is good, and so is life.
Oh je.
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