It is hard - if not impossible - to imagine what life in occupied Palestine is like if you haven't seen it with your own eyes, haven't felt the humiliation at the check points, heard the sound of bombs and gunshots, experienced the horror of not knowing whether your children will return home alive at the end of the day. Hard also is it to keep track of the facts on the ground, which in everyday political discourse is cleverly left out, denied or hidden under a carpet of completely useless coexistence projects. Fortunately, the Guardian have created a map device that takes the infrastructure of the Israeli occupation to a visible and easily understandable level. Click on the following link and then the arrow left of the title "The West Bank - mapping an occupation":
The Guardian - Mapping an Occupation
Then, you can click on the buttons to the left to show the elements of the Matrix of Control one by one. Note especially the discrepancy between the Green Line (the armistice line from the war in 1948-49) and the route of the Wall ("Separation Barrier"). If the wall indeed was created to define the final borders of a future sovereign Palestinian state, then why on Earth are parts of the wall built deep into the Palestinian Territories and far from the Green Line? Then why does it separate Palestinians from Palestinians, instead of the alleged purpose of separating Palestinians from Israelis? And then what's up with the Israeli Only highways dividing the entire West Bank? And then what about the settlements, which were doubled in number during the Oslo "peace process"? See for yourself. There is no longer anything left of what could have been a Palestinian state in the future. What is left is a conglomerate of Palestinian bantustans completely controlled by Israel. People of the world should learn to see this, and start calling what they see by its only proper name: Apartheid.
For further facts, resources and excellent (!) maps of the occupation, see the webpages of the UN's Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). I especially recommend the Map Centre in there. Don't say you didn't know!
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