Friday, March 31, 2006

Light and Beauty

On the bright side, however, there is no doubt that we live in paradise.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Solution

Praise be upon the Internet. Everything is there! I am constantly amazed and repeatedly shocked of this fact. Here is an example I want to share with you:

Those of you who read my post below know that yesterday my mind was officially declared 'missing'. I can assure you it is still gone. It's quite bothering I tell you. But provided that the Internet has this reputation of containing Everything, I figured I could perhaps find it there. And so I did a google-search (praise be upon Google!) - and lo and behold! Look what I found:

Just the sign I needed. Even though Google failed to inform me exactly where this sign is situated, I must say I feel quite relieved. It's out there! Still missing, but after all: alive.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Where is my mind?

Let me quote the Pixies. Apart from producing some of the best music ever they've also come up with a surprisingly accurate description of the feeling I often get during distressing exam times:

Ooooooh - stop

With your feet in the air and your head on the ground
Try this trick and spin it, yeah
Your head will collapse
But there's nothing in it
And you'll ask yourself

Where is my mind?

This question also often manifests itself after the fourth or fifth beer at late night parties, but so far I haven't really come to grips with the nature of the connection here. The only thing I know for sure is that in both situations I can't think, I don't want to think, and my head will collapse but there's nothing in it.

With your feet in the air and your head on the ground
Try this trick and spin it, yeah


Monday, March 27, 2006

A Moment of Inspiration

This blog is a result of a total lack of inspiration.
Or more correctly, it is a result of a total lack of inspiration regarding my so far non-existent exam paper that is due... hm, well too soon (and, I fear, too sudden). The absent inspiration would have helped me start writing the exam if it only had been present. Since it is not, it helped me create this blog instead.

Thanks to inspiration (and the lack of it), and welcome to life, little blog!
I guess I should also thank the russian poet Majakovski for helping me coming up with a name for my newborn blog (although he's long time dead). It's actually the name of a famous poem of his, but as a russian girl once told me I reminded her of a cloud in trousers I somehow feel I can justify the theft (although I have to admit I am really not sure what she meant).

In honor of my first post I would also like to note that the sky is endless today and that the sun has manifested itself in the middle of it (or maybe a little more to the right), which is a good reason I should abandon whatever kind of inspiration altogether and go climb a mountain instead.