And hurray hurray. Under the heading 'Israel and the Palestinian Territories' I could read the following:
'Travellers should be prepared for lengthy personal questioning and baggage searches by security officials on arrival and departure from Israel' (ok I knew that); 'when travelling around Israel and the Palestinian Territories you should carry identification at all times in case it is requested by the local authorities' (ok, blabla, knew that too); 'Norwegian citizens are granted a visitor's visa upon arrival' (well that's convenient, already checked that out); 'Israeli hospitals generally keep a high standard but the medical costs could be higher than in Norway' (blablabla)
- and then, a couple of sentences further down on the page, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides me with the following vital piece of information regarding travel in Israel and the Palestinian Territories:
'Normally no problems are associated with eating salad.
It's important to wear sunscreen.'
Thank heavens! I'm glad the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs takes their advisor role seriously.
I guess I'll be ok; salad and sunscreen will surely do the trick.

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
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