Wednesday, July 05, 2006


So I am leaving. Daylight has taken the evening sun by its hand and left Jerusalem for now and so will I. When it returns I will be enjoying my breakfast high above the clouds. Northbound! Looking down on Earth, hoping the human beings down there will be a little bit more kind to eachother than yesterday - that is, today. And behind that again, the mirror of horror known as History, into which we constantly gaze, all the while still failing to recognize ourselves.

I will not say that I've had a great time here and that I'm sorry to leave, because that would not be true. To be honest I am rather eager to get out of this bloody place, although I can't say that I am sorry I came either. I've learnt a hell of a lot, I've met some extraordinary inspiring people and some completely mad ones, I've completed my interview schedule (save one), and I've grown stronger, wiser and more confident.

The last days have been great, although the circumstances that made them so enjoyable couldn't have been much worse. I've been spending most of my time, in between finishing off the last interviews, with two of the most fantastic and inspiring people walking on this planet; Mads Gilbert and Anna Mørseth. They're on their way to Gaza to work with the PRC (Palestinian Red Crescent, the eqivalent of the Redd Cross), to witness and to report, but so far Gaza remains completely sealed off, hermetically closed to everything not bearing the name IDF. They being stuck in Jerusalem, we shared some beautiful days - despite the fact that History was unfolding in highly troublesome ways in the background (and, as a matter of fact, in our midst). I am so thankful our ways crossed, although circumstances could have been merrier.

Mads and Anna I wish you all the best, and there is really nothing much to say.
May the world turn sane.


Scott D. Meyer said...

I'm glad that you're getting out safetly as well. I'm very anxious to hear more about your experience back in T-town.

Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.