Monday, July 10, 2006

Jerusalem Souvenirs

On the roof of the Old City. The magnificent Dome of the Rock in the background. Not visible in the picture is an illegal Israeli settlement on my left.

Mads and me on the roof of my hostel.

The Old City by night.

Hot drink. Soft drink. Tour and rest at the best. Holy Rock has it all!

American Jews being 'protected' in the Muslim quarter of the Old City. Settlers living here never leave their home without their weapons.
Via Dolorosa in the background, like a painful reminder that not only Jesus suffered here. Who are they gonna shoot? And why?


stian said...

That picture of the guy with a machine gun is pretty crazy stuff.
From what I gather from the news here, things are pretty much going to hell right now. The situation seems more depressing the more news I hear. Fuck.

Anonymous said...

Det va kanskje et greit tidspunkt du forlot på...blodbadet e i gang. dessverre e det mange som ikke kan dra sin vei.

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.